Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Agenda 21: Why the United Nations is a Communist Group.

                                             Agenda 21:

                  Why the United Nations Is a Communist Group.


   Many of you haven't yet heard of this blatant act of communism, who's creating dates back multiple decades. And even if you have, you might learn a bit.

     For those of you that still haven't the slightest clue what "Agenda 21" is, here's some insight. Agenda 21 is a 40 chapter document created by the United Nations in 1992. It's concept was detailed at a summit meeting in Rio De Janeiro. You can read the entire document in full text format here. In essence, this 351 page document describes plans for a worldwide  "Globalization" movement. 

    This would include the abandonment of the U.S. Constitution, and the Urbanization of America. Citizens would be relocated and forced to reside in multi-family housing units at predetermined points across the country. The per-existing suburban environment would be protected as a restricted zone, where the only human interaction would be governmental ecological studies.

    Evidence of a slow and gradual transition into this "Smart Growth" ideology is seen even today, 24 years after the first summit meeting. President Barrack Obama was quoted denying government funds to rebuild communities with population densities on the lower end of the spectrum. If continued, this would force citizens to move to larger cities. Remember those multi-family housing units? Small quartered apartments in urban communities have been funded by the government for YEARS.

    Another key concept associated with Agenda 21 would be "Redistribution of Income". Because, why should your neighbor make more money than you right? How fair is that? If you've done any research regarding political agendas of DIFFERENT countries, you'll know that "Redistribution of Income" is a concept almost exclusive to communism. Where every citizen is afforded the same resources and benefits regardless of their job and/or skill level. They don't work for money, they work and are given the same home food, and clothes as everyone else. Yet another similarity between communism and Agenda 21.

    Agenda 21 has been publicly supported by three different Presidents. Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Barrack Obama. You've probably heard it referred to as "Sustainable Development". It's not just presidents people, Supreme Court Justices Ginsburg, Breyer, and Kennedy, all support what they call the "Smart Growth" plan. Another direct and deliberate reference to Agenda 21 that was overlooked by people who had no idea, and omitted by media outlets that are controlled by Liberal (Which is roughly 85%).

    You may remember an anti-globalization speech in which Ben Carson referred to globalization as "The first step in controlling our younger generation". In the background, Barrack Obama, a known supporter of the document, can be seen visually expressing his discontent. You can tell he was very displeased with Mr. Carsons speech. Two weeks later Ben Carson was targeted by the IRS, in which the most detailed audit to date was conducted.

    If you examine the above map, you'll see the proposed system for regulating "Biodiversity". Roughly 50% of all land area in the U.S. will be converted to core reserves. These will be very highly regulated with absolutely zero human use. All of these core reserves will be interconnected through corridors that also have no human use. All of these regulated areas will be surrounded completely by "buffer zones". These buffer zones would consist fo regulated areas at least 100 miles wide, with minimal human use. Exceptions would be oil and lumber industries, with proper permitting, and under constant 24 hour observation of the United Nations.

    If you live in any of the red areas above, get ready to pack your bags, becuase those "core reserves" are currently suburban communities that people like you and me live in. Currently, the United States government considers any land not industrialized for commercial use to be "Open Space". The problem with with open space, is that it's all private property. And though it is protected under our Bill of Rights, the proposed document would convert this open space to core reserves. 

        I know that all of this is not exactly the norm here at Politically Incorrect SOB, but how politically incorrect would we be if we kept it a secret?!